'Hunnisett' Family Trees

These pages contain brief histories of many of the earlier 'Hunnisett' family groups. Most of them are linked into the main Hunnisett tree but a few are from 'broken' branches. The dates in the index refer to the person's known or likely year of birth.

The Main Tree

The great majority of present-day 'Hunnisetts' of whatever spelling, can trace their roots back to Peter Henesit (1540s? - 1593). Although his parents have not been established, Peter must have been a descendant of one of the first immigrants from France, and appears to have been the only one to have male descendant lines extending to the present day. Most of the links can be proved with a reasonable degree of certainty, but a few of them I have flagged up as being pretty likely, given the circumstantial evidence, but not proven. One or two are links via 'adoption', usually where sons of a wife's previous alliance have taken the Hunnisett name. Occasionally it may be suspected that such links were, in fact, blood links but without the benefit of DNA tests - who knows? ....

Broken Branches

Unfortunately there are a few significant branches of the tree that seem to have 'fallen off'. These are generally family groups that can be traced back to one person whose parents, or at least father, cannot be identified, often around the end of the 18th or beginning of the 19th century. Examples are David Honeysett (ca.1783-1845) of Ashburnham, David Hunnisett (ca.1800-1878) of Windmill Hill and George Hunnisett (ca.1802-1866) of Westham.

My Line

So that you can see where I fit in to the main tree there is a page giving a brief description of the more recent generations in my line and showing how it links in. More detailed information of these families can be found on another of my sites at www.hunnisett.me.uk