Descendants of Thomas Honneysett (1786-1875)

Link to Thomas Honneysett in the Family Groups

Henry Honneysett of Mountfield

Henry, known as Harry, was a grandson of Thomas Honneysett. He worked as a groom, and then as coachman, for Charles Egerton of Banks Farm and Mountfield Court. He later worked for Lord Brassey at Normanhurst Court near Catsfield.

Henry & Kate
Henry & Kate Honneysett (ca.1900)
Seven Stars pub
Kate's parents ran the Seven Stars in
Robertsbridge from at least 1871
Kate Goodsell
Kate Goodsell (photo ca.1885)
married Henry in 1885
Henry Honneysett (born 1864)
Banks Farm
Banks Farm, Mountfield.
Henry had rooms above the stables in 1881
Taylor's Cottage
Taylor's Cottage, Mountfield
Henry, Kate and their three children
were some of the twelve people living
in Taylor's Cottage in 1891
Banks Cottages
Banks Cottages, Mountfield
Henry & Kate were living there in 1901
Marriage of Kate Honneysett
Marriage of Kate, daughter of Henry and Kate, to Frank Field in 1912
Henry is top left and the other lady seated next to Kate is probably her mother
Jack Honneysett
Jack (b.1894), son of Henry and Kate
Nora Honneysett
Nora (b.1904), daughter of Henry and Kate

These photographs were supplied by Paula Arthur, great-granddaughter of Henry and Kate Honneysett.